Monday, January 4, 2016

Avoid Checking For Non-Existent Nulls


At some point, every developer that's worked in Apex Code has received a System.NullPointerException. It's inevitable. Sometimes the situation is figured out quickly, and other times, developers may not know what caused the exception, so developers may start sprinkling null guards everywhere to try and keep it from happening again. Eventually, code may end up with so many of these guards that the code is less readable, more verbose than it should be, and, worst of all, running slower than it could be, sometimes by a significant amount.

In this post, we're going to explore things that are never null, so readers can avoid the most common null checks I've observed in code, which will improve the code's performance. Since we only have so much time to execute code, known as the Apex CPU limit, it's in our best interest to reduce the amount of time our code takes to run. Besides, your users will thank you for a faster, more responsive user interface and API.


One common theme that I see in code is that developers will check to make sure a query is not null before trying to access it. These checks do carry a penalty in the form of Apex CPU time that's wasted on a check that will never prevent a System.NullPointerException. While it is true that fields returned from the database may be null, depending on their data type, the list returned from a query will never be null. This code only serves to confuse newer developers into thinking that an empty list cannot be returned from a query, thus perpetuating null checks.


Account[] myAccounts = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE OwnerId = :UserInfo.getUserId()]; // The query results will never be null. Why did I check this? if(myAccounts != null && myAccounts.size() > 0) { ...

Query Result Elements

Similarly, there seems to be some confusion about what the results in the array may look like. I have actually seen code similar to the following:

for(Account record:[SELECT Id, Name FROM Account]) { if(record != null) { ...

This condition will always be true. A single record from a query will not be null. We do not need to check inpidual records are not somehow null before trying to do something with them.

Query Standard Universally Required Fields

When we query records normally, such as a non-aggregate SOQL call, or any SOSL call, we always get the Id field back in the query, and it will never be null. There's never any reason to check the Id field to see if it is null when it's returned from a query. Obviously, the Id may be null if we cloned the record, cleared the fields, constructed a new record, or accessed a related Id via a parent relationship (e.g. a query that returns Contact records and Account.Id will have a null Id if AccountId is also null). However, unless we've manipulated the records in some way, we can safely assume that the Id is present on the record directly returned from the query.

Query Relationships

One subtle point about the system is that relationships may be null, but do not throw System.NullPointerException if you do not check for them. You can safely avoid checking if a relationship is null if it came from a query, although you will want to check if the field you accessed was null. This only applies to statically compiled references, however, so if you're using dynamic record navigation via SObject.getSObject or SObject.getSObjects, you will want to check for nulls, because you can get an exception.


// Example 1 for(Contact record: [SELECT Account.Name FROM Contact]) {     if(record.Account.Name != null) { ... // Example 2 Account[] accounts = new Account[0]; for(Account record: [SELECT (SELECT Id FROM Contact) FROM Account]) {     record.No_of_Contacts__c = record.Contacts.size();     accounts.add(record); } update accounts;


Even though relationships are protected against nulls, inpidual fields are not. Do not assume this code is safe:

// If account is null, toUpperCase will fail with an exception. if(contactRecord.Account.Name.toUpperCase().equals('HELLO WORLD')) { ...

Checking Your Own Variables

Generally speaking, you should avoid having null variables. You should be able to tell which values are null or not null based simply on their origins. You should never have to guess about if your own variables are null or not, especially for sets, lists, and maps. Conversely, you should generally assume that any field that comes the database, Visualforce bindings, or callouts may contain nulls, unless it's obvious that a value can not possibly be null. Fields that will never be null include "Id", "CreatedDate", "CreatedById", "LastModifiedDate", "LastModifiedById", and "Name", as well as any field that is Boolean or required by the system.

Learning The System Library

The system library prefers not to return null values. For example, you may safely assume that List.size will always return a positive, non-null value. There is never a need to check if the value returned is null. Generally speaking, any function that will not accept a null value will not return a null value. The following code may safely be run without checking for nulls:

Date firstSundayOfMonth =;

Each function in that chain returns another Date, so we are guaranteed to receive a valid date value in firstSundayOfMonth. Most other functions also follow this behavior; the usual way to signal a bad input value is by way of exceptions, so as long as you're checking the parameters you pass to the system library, most functions will never return a null value. Those functions that do are more of an exception than the rule. In fact, those methods are usually explicitly documented as returning a null value when possible.


Apex Code is strongly typed, but not as optimized as Java, so taking a few extra moments to learn which functions return a null value, and which do not, will go a long way in writing code that is easier to read and maintain, will be less likely to run in to governor limits, and should be easier to maintain code coverage for.


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  2. Never knew "This only applies to statically compiled references, however, so if you're using dynamic record navigation via SObject.getSObject or SObject.getSObjects, you will want to check for nulls, because you can get an exception." and not documented by Salesforce, so big thanks for that clarification!

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